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Date: Sun Sep 08, 2002 12:39 pm
Topic: Article 1: Uploading binary files to mySQL
Welcome to my 1st article on PHP4.COM... Hopefully more to come.. If you have suggests aboutwhat you'd like to have an article/how-to on, be sure to drop me an email.Before writing this article I did a quick google search for others who had dabbled in thisarea and only found 1 half-decent article. It was on phpbuilder.com written by a fellownamed Florian. Now it worked ok, but was written with PHP3 in mind and I'm fairly certaindesigned to handle small files, which is not the case in the real world. I'll be pointing outsome of the advantages of doing it the way I went. Also be sure now that everyone is in theworld of PHP4, be sure to disable global var tracking!!So what's with storing binary files in mySQL databases? Some might say it's a terribleidea, some might say it's a good idea... It all depends on the application. Storingfiles on disk is much simpler but itself has some limitations. Let's say you need to store20GB of data and grow by 10GB/month.. Pretty soon that can easily fill up your webserverdisk space.. And how do you add more? Drop in another disk, eventually you'll not beable to hookup any more disks, not to mention the downtime installing the new drive(s).How about NFS/SMB network shares? That's not a bad idea either but not without it's problems. I've used mySQL binary storage in a few different applications now with good results. Thebiggest advantage is easily scalability. If tomorrow I needed to add 50GB of storage ontothe system, you just grab yourself another Pentium II+ computer, drop a disk in it, installa base Linux OS on it and MySQL. Then in the case of my applications, there is a master database that controls all the location of the files. You just tell it that there is another storage server available, it's IP address, login, password, etc. And now it's available for use. This causes no downtime of any kind. Virtually unlimited scalability, you keep adding storage servers as demand for storage increases and if the webserver becomes overloaded handing the number of requests, you simply setup another mirrored webserver in a load-balanced environment and they both handle requests, cross connecting to the correct storage server to fulfill the frontend requests. Now onto database design theory.. In most other examples, people took the easy way out. They went with a basic table design of: CREATE TABLE binary_data (id INT(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,description CHAR(50),bin_data LONGBLOB,filename CHAR(50),filesize CHAR(50),filetype CHAR(50)); ----------Now this example stores the file metadata and binary data all in 1 table.. A bad idea in my opinion.  Also they use the column type of LONGBLOB.. This works ok for small files.. But as soon as you get into files larger than 1MB you're in trouble. mySQL by default has configured certain run-time variables quite low for this type of application use. Such variables as max_allowed_packet... You can boost these variables to higher runtime values.. But with my example you don't need to... Another problem with the table definition above is that all the data for the file is stored in 1 row..  So using a basic select you'll have to pull all the data from the mysql database tothe webserver before sending it to the client.. With small files this doesn't matter, but say you had a 100MB file in the database, that means PHP on the webserver side will have to store 100MB of data in memory while it's being downloaded.. This is a bad thing as it can quickly eat up server memory on a busy site. Now there are ways around this such as looping thru and sub selecting pieces of the binary data from mysql.. But I prefer to stay away from this situation completely. Let's begin with my example layout.. Please note the table design/code presented here are snippets from various application classes .. you should implement this code/design in classes that handle this type of operation. Firstly lets start with my basic table layouts for the 2 required tables:CREATE DATABASE storage1;use storage1;CREATE TABLE file (id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,datatype varchar(60) NOT NULL default 'application/octet-stream',name varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',size bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '1024',filedate datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAMCREATE TABLE filedata (id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,masterid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',filedata blob NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id),KEY master_idx (masterid) ) ENGINE=MyISAM----------So as you can see there are 2 tables... 1 stores the meta-data for the file (name, size, etc) And the other stores all the binary data in BLOB columns (64K) chunks.. These chunks could also be compared to inodes which makeup filesystems. The advantage to using a smaller column size is that you can request the rows 1 by 1 from the webserver and stream them out to the client, using low memory overhead. It will result in a persistent connection to the  database being up for sometime (depending on filesize and client download speed), but with mysql being to handle 100 connections by default, I have yet to top out a storage server. The other nice thing about using 2 tables, is if say your just going to be listing the files in it.. You now only need to deal with a very small table for the file's meta-data not scan a very large file containing meta-data and binary text which would take much more database execution time.Start with this example upload script (uploadpage.php):	
<form method="post" action="uploadprocess.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="file" name="file1" size="20"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"></form>	
----------Then with a basic processor script (uploadprocess.php):	
<?// Upload processor script// At this point your script would determine what storage server to connect to// I'm just going to hardcode it here$Storage_IP = "";$Storage_Port = 3306;$Storage_User = "root";$Storage_Passwd = "secret";$Storage_DB = "storage1";$connectto = $Storage_IP . ":" . $Storage_Port;if (!$linkid = @mysql_connect($connectto, $Storage_User, $Storage_Passwd)) {&nbsp;&nbsp;die("Unable to connect to storage server!");}if (!mysql_select_db($Storage_DB, $linkid)) {  die("Unable to connect to storage database!");}// Init values - these are used incase you want to upload multiple files, you just// add them to the source form as file1, file2, file3, etc.$STARTFILE = 1;$ONFILE = "file" . $STARTFILE;while (isset($HTTP_POST_FILES["$ONFILE"])) {  // Try!  $SrcPathFile = $HTTP_POST_FILES["$ONFILE"]["tmp_name"];  $SrcFileType = $HTTP_POST_FILES["$ONFILE"]["type"];  $DstFileName = $HTTP_POST_FILES["$ONFILE"]["name"];  clearstatcache();  $time = filemtime($SrcPathFile);  $storedate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $time);  // File Processing  if (file_exists($SrcPathFile)) {    // Insert into file table    $SQL  = "insert into file (datatype, name, size, filedate) values ('";    $SQL .= $SrcFileType . "', '" . $DstFileName . "', " . filesize($SrcPathFile);    $SQL .= ", '" . $storedate . "')";    if (!$RES = mysql_query($SQL, $linkid)) {      die("Failure on insert to file table!");    }    $fileid = mysql_insert_id($linkid);    // Insert into the filedata table    $fp = fopen($SrcPathFile, "rb");    while (!feof($fp)) {      // Make the data mysql insert safe      $binarydata = addslashes(fread($fp, 65535));      $SQL = "insert into filedata (masterid, filedata) values (";      $SQL .= $fileid . ", '" . $binarydata . "')";      if (!mysql_query($SQL, $linkid)) {        die("Failure to insert binary inode data row!");      }    }    fclose($fp);  }  $STARTFILE ++;  $ONFILE = "file" . $STARTFILE;}echo "Upload Complete";?>	
----------That's the basic jist of it... Please note.. This script is not an exact cut-paste from production code... So before leaving a note that it doesn't work.. be sure to throughly debug it.. Or better yet, just use the concept/example code and write your own code (perhaps better) .. ;)Now if you want to retrieve and stream this data down to the end user you can take alook at this very simple example script (download.php) called like download.php?id=1 :	
<?// Download script.. streams data from a mysql database, thru the webserver to a client // browserif (isset($_GET["id"])) {  $Storage_IP = "";  $Storage_Port = 3306;  $Storage_User = "root";  $Storage_Passwd = "secret";  $Storage_DB = "storage1";  $connectto = $Storage_IP . ":" . $Storage_Port;  if (!$linkid = @mysql_connect($connectto, $Storage_User, $Storage_Passwd)) {    die("Unable to connect to storage server!");  }  if (!mysql_select_db($Storage_DB, $linkid)) {    die("Unable to connect to storage database!");  }  $nodelist = array();  // Pull file meta-data  $SQL = "select * from file where id = " . $_GET["id"];  if (!$RES = mysql_query($SQL, $linkid)) {    die("Failure to retrive file metadata");  }  if (mysql_num_rows($RES) != 1) {    die("Not a valid file id!");  }  $FileObj = mysql_fetch_object($RES);  // Pull the list of file inodes  $SQL = "SELECT id FROM filedata WHERE masterid = " . $_GET["id"] . " order by id";  if (!$RES = mysql_query($SQL, $linkid)) {    die("Failure to retrive list of file inodes");  }  while ($CUR = mysql_fetch_object($RES)) {    $nodelist[] = $CUR->id;  }  // Send down the header to the client  Header ( "Content-Type: $FileObj->datatype" );  Header ( "Content-Length: " . $FileObj->size );  Header ( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$FileObj->name" );  // Loop thru and stream the nodes 1 by 1  for ($Z = 0 ; $Z < count($nodelist) ; $Z++) {    $SQL = "select filedata from filedata where id = " . $nodelist[$Z];    if (!$RESX = mysql_query($SQL, $linkid)) {      die("Failure to retrive file node data");    }    $DataObj = mysql_fetch_object($RESX);    echo $DataObj->filedata;  }}?>	
----------I've just tested these scripts to be working correctly... they work well with streaming images.. Feel free to post any questions about them and I'll do my best to answer (as well as anyone else online).Latz. B0nFire. (b0nfire@dreamwerx.net)	
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